Lasting Memories

Lucy Louise Lunt
Oct. 25, 2008-Nov. 18, 2023
Menlo Park, CA

Lucy was an aspiring writer, amazing student, and even better friend. She lifted everyone around her with her positivity and humor. Lucy Louise Lunt, 15, of Menlo Park, CA, passed away at Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital on Saturday, November 18, 2023, of complications relating to her neuromuscular disease, Spinal Muscular Atrophy Type I.

Lucy was born in Redwood City in 2008 to Chad Terrance Lunt and Cherisse Titaua Lunt. Lucy is the light of their lives and taught them so much about faith, love, service, and unity. As a result of her medical condition, Lucy was cared for night and day by her parents and nurses. The care and service to Lucy was a joy as she lived gratefully and graciously and was so sweet to everyone. Lucy excelled in school, starting the Disabilities Awareness Club at Menlo Atherton High School, and attended “on pure adrenaline” due to her excitement for learning and being by her peers and school staff.

Lucy is survived by her parents, Chad and Cherisse, and her brother and sister Dallin and Jocey. Chad loved carrying Lucy to and from her power chair, bed, and bathtub. They enjoyed sarcastic conversations and teasing Cherisse. Cherisse managed and personally cared for all of Lucy’s medical and personal care for 15 years. Cherisse was Lucy’s hands, arms, legs, back, neck, and voice day and night and carried this immense burden with grace a kindness that inspired all. Cherisse’s love and positivity, along with Lucy’s beautiful soul, was well documented on social media and provided a window into the beautiful light that is Lucy Lunt. Dallin and Jocey share a special bond with Lucy as they graciously shared the attention and time of their parents so that Chad and Cherisse could take care of Lucy. Lucy shared a birthday with her sister Jocey, and their bond was particularly strong as Jocey would often assist with Lucy’s care. In addition to family, Lucy established deep relationships with the nurses who cared for her. Many of her nurses cared for Lucy in excess of 3 years.

Lucy was an active member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and attended church each Sunday. She was baptized at the age of 8 and served in the Young Women’s presidency for the congregation. She attended summer camp and established deep relationships with her church leaders. She attended the temple as often as occasion would permit.

Lucy will be remembered for her perseverance, humor, and kindness. She lived true to what she believed and was kind and understanding to all.